Sunday, December 20, 2009

It's been along time since I posted anything, but life gets in the way the sometimes; work and graduate school can keep a person pretty busy even when they're not the fun-est bunch of things to fill my time with. This new years I hope to spend more time on my blog that is basically only exsisting to entertain my self with.

I also that other people will find my suggestions helpful and as entertaining as do, but as my counter tells I'm basically writing this blog for myself....c'est la vie!

Monday, August 3, 2009

No slash but something as equally as fun a kitten!

My new 6-7 week old kitten.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Group 5

Advantage - by Resonant, Aliens turn John into Rodney's slave.

Now I usually don't like slave fics along the same lines for why don't like BDSM fics the characters are usually way OOC and I'm also not much for dark fics unless I am absolutely sure that there will be a happy ending. This is not like any slave fic I've gritted my teeth through, it's actually really funny, John gets turned into Rodney's slave, but he is possibly the most cheerful and bossy slave I've read about. Rodney is of course reluctant but hey if your going to have a slave following you around demanding you make him do things why not let him make you, make him right? There is also juggling and very cute scenes of John taking care of Rodney in his sarcastic, shut-up-Rodney kinda way.

A Beautiful Lifetime Event - by Shallot, John and Rodney have a baby thanks to ancient technology, and it of course changes their lives.

Shallot has alot of really great SGA fics but this one is by far my favorite. I'm not sure why I like to read about John and Rodney as dad's but I really really do, fills me with wooby feelings and happy family fantasies. Their relationship builds slowly or as John puts it "I didn't know I was already married" and the sex isn't till the end but it's worth the wait as it is all the more satisfying. I absolutely love their daughter in this fic, but I got to love any girl who wants a power drill set and a hot pink Barbie car.

The Chair- by Xanthe, Rodney is genetically destined for John....this is not as great as it sounds.

This is Xanthe's first ever SGA fic and you can tell as the voices are alittle rough to me but even then the story is still awesome. Rodney discovers that there is another chair and that it can harness energy to use as a powerful weapon. What kind of power does it run one you ask? Well seeing as how this is a slash fic it uses human sexual energy and that's where John and Rodney jump in. John is the only one who can use the chair because of the ATA gene and Rodney is his genetic match. Now I would consider this the definition of the "fuck or die" story.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Inchworm - Cottontail sequel to "Like No Other Child" Oscar becomes a regular in the infirmary and the only thing keeping Rodney rational is the knowledge that his visits aren’t mandatory. Once bandages and salves are applied he can usually go right back home to his own bed. There are no overnight stays, no injections and treatments. He just leaves with another new bruise, scratch or cut and a lollipop.

When I saw there was a sequel to "Like No Other Child" I was really excited. The first was so great that I knew any follow up would be the same. After all the sadness and angst of the first one, a little light heartedness was kind of a relief, but it is never without a tinge of bitter-sweetness. John and Rodney decide to have another child, which if you had read the first, you would know that in the end they allude to having a second, Oscar. Like in the first the story is told back and forth through time, starting with Oscar, who has Rodney's smarts and John's devil-may-care attitude graduating from Caltech - age 19. I like how this focuses on Rodney, he's for lack of a better term - like a mother who lost a child; frightened, hopeful, obsessively concerned with his child's health, worried that the second child will subplant the memory of the first. Which of course would never happen and only crystalizes the memories because that's what it's about building memories.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My Favorite Pairings

  1. John Sheppard/Rodney McKay - SGA
  2. Jack O'neill/Daniel Jackson - SG-1
  3. Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones - Torchwood
  4. Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg - The Sentinel
  5. Spock/Jim Kirk - Star Trek TOS, XI
  6. Leroy Jethro Gibbs/Tony Dinozzo - NCIS
  7. Qui-Gon Jinn/Obi-wan Kenobi - Star Trek
  8. Horatio Hornblower/Archie Kennedy - H.H.
  9. William Bush/Andre Cotard - H.H.
  10. Remus Lupin/Severus Snape - H.P.
  11. Sherlock Holmes/John Watson - S.H.

All of my very favorite many hours of sleep have I lost reading about them canoodling. I may never know.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Rec. Group 4

200 - by Cat-Latin, When they got there, Rodney immediately dubbed the place “Planet of the Assholes,” and was quick to point out how well John fit in.
Rodney keeps track of his near death experiences, Teyla gets drunk, John gets high and wears a priestly dress, Ronon kisses Rodney, and Elizabeth plays tetris. In short this story is really, really funny and sexy, one of my favorite combo's coming in two parts it's a fast read and a nice break from the dramatic and highly emotional fics I usually read. For so short a tale Cat-Latin brings each of the characters to life as real people.

The Twelve Step Program - by MyLadyDisdain, No one ever said that genius meant having a gift for strategy. Unfortunately for Rodney McKay, he has meddlesome friends who are quite certain of their gifts for strategy.
MyLadyDisdain warns of poor decisions and flawed matchmaking on the par of RomComs, taking place during the 3rd season and told in 12 steps and just like all romantic comedies even if you know how it's going to end you want to be there for the whole ride. I love how Rodney, even though he completely denies being in love with John still follows every ridiculous scheme his friends propose to him. It also has a secondary Lorne/Zelenka pairing and it is hysterical how they will over share their sex life to anyone who will listen, even if they don't really want to know.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Rec. Group 3

Happy Fourth of July to everyone!
Miracles - by Master Elayna, a mission goes awry when ancient technology outs Rodney as a virgin (oh yeah, you heard me), John decides to take matters into his own hands. Guess who falls under the dreaded curse of Mpreg! I like this story partly because my guilty pleasure is mpreg, I find people fall into two categories when it comes to mpreg; you either love it or hate it. I'm on the love it side even though most mpreg fiction is usually god awful with a smattering of good ones few and far between. This one is not bad the characters are for the most part themselves their voices believable, if you just take it as a light not too angsty romp into the improbable, you'll enjoy it.

Like No Other Child by Cottontail, "Andrew Sheppard McKay was with them for exactly four years and six months. Barely enough time to make a mark in the world but just enough time to alter the entirety of John’s life."
I really can't say enough about this one, I have to say out right you will probably need a tissue or two for this one. It's told from John's perspective and has his thoughts and voice dead on as well as Rodney's. The story flows seamlessly between different time points the development of John and Rodney's relationship is real as well as the love they have for their child, so that when the inevitable happens it is truly gut-wrenching. The pain they feel as parents having lost a child is palpable. It's wonderfully understated, tragic without being overwrought it's quiet. I fell in love with little Andy the OC he was a believable child, I cried through the whole thing. Absolutely must read.

Shudder by Lavvyan, Aliens make them do it.....again! basically a sleepy, drugged out sex PWP, I first read this when I was going through a phase where all I wanted to read was Rodney on the bottom. In the show he seems like such a pushy bottom I couldn't help but love a fic where he's pretty much unconscious and completely submissive so that John can have his wicked way with him, and boy does he ever. Gotta love alien rituals.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Rec Group 2

Aaah! More of my favorite slash continues, I know it will seem like all I put out is Sentinel slash recs but this show is in my top 3 favorites, so onward.

It Doesn't Count - By Legion, once again I'm reccing Legion because Legion is just that good, you should go to her website and read all of the stuff that she has here. The ones I have here are just my favorites. Anyway this little gem could be construed as Non-con I don't necessarily think so, but hey I say potato you say potato. It's basically a well written PWP; alittle dream sequence, two men in loin clothes and steamy jungle sex what's better right?

Sunrise,Sunset - by Legion (duh!) Incacha tells Jim that Blair cannot be his lover because of his destiny as a great shaman, this breaks Jim in a serious way. This fic is has alot of emotional whumpage and suicidal ideation, so if your sensitive to that I wouldn't read it, but if your a fan of H/C and some serious uber-angst than read away. I read this in one sitting and was absolutely sucked in. You literally feel Jim's pain and you don't want to stop until the end I really can't say much more without gushing for an entire page. Just read it.

Cattle Call - by Legion, A.U. where sentinels and guides are known. Blair and Jim try to build a relationship on their own terms in a universe where guide/sentinel relations are monitored and controlled by big brother government. I absolutely love A.U.'s where sentinels and guides are the norm and I especially love it when Blair whumpage is involved mostly because I know he can take it, he's just so goddamn plucky. There's action, romantical-ness, gay-sex in public parks and shadowy government agencies. As well as a satisfying ending where everyone get's to stick it to the man.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Rec. Group One

So here we go these are some of my favorites that I've put out today. I've probably read most of them numerous times.
LifeLine - by Legion, If there's one thing I love in my Sentinel fandom it would be bottom-Jim stories, I don't know why but it is truly one of my buttons and boy does Legion know how to push it.
Basically the story goes that Blair now working with Jim at the Cascade PD discovers that Jim is actually in love with him (you've probably read this before, but wait there's more!) He does not react well and Jim being the emotionally challenged individual that he is runs away both physically and psychologically. I love this story because Blair is portrayed like a man, sometimes in this fandom he can come across as this weepy easily hurt little pussy and big bad Jim has to chase after him. Not so here, Legion's Blair is tough, smart, but compassionate a man who doesn't fear emotion. It is more in keeping with Jim's character for him to be running away. Since he is a man that if he can't fight something he must push it away or run. This is a must read it is satisfying from beginning to end and the sex is of course nuclear hot.

Crossed - by Legion, for me this was fic. zero the one fic that started my love of any slash fiction where one of my favorite men puts on a dress. I know, I know alot of cross dressing fics aren't that good but this one delivers. Jim and Blair are already an established pair and by accident Jim is sent some clothes, particularly one angora sweater. Legion has a way with words and emotion that frankly I am jealous of and what I'm also jealous of is the fact that I don't actually get to see Jim in a skirt.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

So here I thought to myself, Red I said, what's the point of collecting all of these links to different and remarkable slash fiction if you don't share them. Whats the point of writing down all these little reviews if you already know them anyway? So I thought, Self your right whats the point of meticously catelouging all of this stuff if no one but you is reading it? So here it is my humble site dedicated to my decade long obsession.