Thursday, July 2, 2009

Rec. Group One

So here we go these are some of my favorites that I've put out today. I've probably read most of them numerous times.
LifeLine - by Legion, If there's one thing I love in my Sentinel fandom it would be bottom-Jim stories, I don't know why but it is truly one of my buttons and boy does Legion know how to push it.
Basically the story goes that Blair now working with Jim at the Cascade PD discovers that Jim is actually in love with him (you've probably read this before, but wait there's more!) He does not react well and Jim being the emotionally challenged individual that he is runs away both physically and psychologically. I love this story because Blair is portrayed like a man, sometimes in this fandom he can come across as this weepy easily hurt little pussy and big bad Jim has to chase after him. Not so here, Legion's Blair is tough, smart, but compassionate a man who doesn't fear emotion. It is more in keeping with Jim's character for him to be running away. Since he is a man that if he can't fight something he must push it away or run. This is a must read it is satisfying from beginning to end and the sex is of course nuclear hot.

Crossed - by Legion, for me this was fic. zero the one fic that started my love of any slash fiction where one of my favorite men puts on a dress. I know, I know alot of cross dressing fics aren't that good but this one delivers. Jim and Blair are already an established pair and by accident Jim is sent some clothes, particularly one angora sweater. Legion has a way with words and emotion that frankly I am jealous of and what I'm also jealous of is the fact that I don't actually get to see Jim in a skirt.


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