Friday, July 3, 2009

Rec Group 2

Aaah! More of my favorite slash continues, I know it will seem like all I put out is Sentinel slash recs but this show is in my top 3 favorites, so onward.

It Doesn't Count - By Legion, once again I'm reccing Legion because Legion is just that good, you should go to her website and read all of the stuff that she has here. The ones I have here are just my favorites. Anyway this little gem could be construed as Non-con I don't necessarily think so, but hey I say potato you say potato. It's basically a well written PWP; alittle dream sequence, two men in loin clothes and steamy jungle sex what's better right?

Sunrise,Sunset - by Legion (duh!) Incacha tells Jim that Blair cannot be his lover because of his destiny as a great shaman, this breaks Jim in a serious way. This fic is has alot of emotional whumpage and suicidal ideation, so if your sensitive to that I wouldn't read it, but if your a fan of H/C and some serious uber-angst than read away. I read this in one sitting and was absolutely sucked in. You literally feel Jim's pain and you don't want to stop until the end I really can't say much more without gushing for an entire page. Just read it.

Cattle Call - by Legion, A.U. where sentinels and guides are known. Blair and Jim try to build a relationship on their own terms in a universe where guide/sentinel relations are monitored and controlled by big brother government. I absolutely love A.U.'s where sentinels and guides are the norm and I especially love it when Blair whumpage is involved mostly because I know he can take it, he's just so goddamn plucky. There's action, romantical-ness, gay-sex in public parks and shadowy government agencies. As well as a satisfying ending where everyone get's to stick it to the man.


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