Saturday, July 4, 2009

Rec. Group 3

Happy Fourth of July to everyone!
Miracles - by Master Elayna, a mission goes awry when ancient technology outs Rodney as a virgin (oh yeah, you heard me), John decides to take matters into his own hands. Guess who falls under the dreaded curse of Mpreg! I like this story partly because my guilty pleasure is mpreg, I find people fall into two categories when it comes to mpreg; you either love it or hate it. I'm on the love it side even though most mpreg fiction is usually god awful with a smattering of good ones few and far between. This one is not bad the characters are for the most part themselves their voices believable, if you just take it as a light not too angsty romp into the improbable, you'll enjoy it.

Like No Other Child by Cottontail, "Andrew Sheppard McKay was with them for exactly four years and six months. Barely enough time to make a mark in the world but just enough time to alter the entirety of John’s life."
I really can't say enough about this one, I have to say out right you will probably need a tissue or two for this one. It's told from John's perspective and has his thoughts and voice dead on as well as Rodney's. The story flows seamlessly between different time points the development of John and Rodney's relationship is real as well as the love they have for their child, so that when the inevitable happens it is truly gut-wrenching. The pain they feel as parents having lost a child is palpable. It's wonderfully understated, tragic without being overwrought it's quiet. I fell in love with little Andy the OC he was a believable child, I cried through the whole thing. Absolutely must read.

Shudder by Lavvyan, Aliens make them do it.....again! basically a sleepy, drugged out sex PWP, I first read this when I was going through a phase where all I wanted to read was Rodney on the bottom. In the show he seems like such a pushy bottom I couldn't help but love a fic where he's pretty much unconscious and completely submissive so that John can have his wicked way with him, and boy does he ever. Gotta love alien rituals.


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