Monday, July 6, 2009

Rec. Group 4

200 - by Cat-Latin, When they got there, Rodney immediately dubbed the place “Planet of the Assholes,” and was quick to point out how well John fit in.
Rodney keeps track of his near death experiences, Teyla gets drunk, John gets high and wears a priestly dress, Ronon kisses Rodney, and Elizabeth plays tetris. In short this story is really, really funny and sexy, one of my favorite combo's coming in two parts it's a fast read and a nice break from the dramatic and highly emotional fics I usually read. For so short a tale Cat-Latin brings each of the characters to life as real people.

The Twelve Step Program - by MyLadyDisdain, No one ever said that genius meant having a gift for strategy. Unfortunately for Rodney McKay, he has meddlesome friends who are quite certain of their gifts for strategy.
MyLadyDisdain warns of poor decisions and flawed matchmaking on the par of RomComs, taking place during the 3rd season and told in 12 steps and just like all romantic comedies even if you know how it's going to end you want to be there for the whole ride. I love how Rodney, even though he completely denies being in love with John still follows every ridiculous scheme his friends propose to him. It also has a secondary Lorne/Zelenka pairing and it is hysterical how they will over share their sex life to anyone who will listen, even if they don't really want to know.


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